JFrog Artifactory for Cloud Security and DevOps

JFrog Artifactory for Cloud Security and DevOps

Imagine you’re a modern-day developer, coding away and spinning up containers like a software cowboy on the digital frontier.

But just as real-life cowboys need a trustworthy arsenal to tackle the challenges of the Wild West, developers require a reliable repository to keep their code safe, secure, and readily available.

Enter JFrog Artifactory, a battle-tested solution that promises to be your trusty ammunition locker for all your DevOps needs.

But what exactly is this “universal repository manager,” and how can it help tame the chaos of managing dependencies, artifacts, and packages across your entire software supply chain?

Let’s saddle up and explore the features, benefits, and real-world applications of JFrog Artifactory that have made it a go-to choice for thousands of companies worldwide.

Table of Contents

What is JFrog Artifactory?

JFrog Artifactory is a universal DevOps artifact repository and package management solution that provides end-to-end automation and management of binary artifacts throughout the application delivery process.

Eh? In plain language, please! Ok, think of it like a cross between a bank and an ATM: it keeps all your stuff safe in a central place, and it makes your stuff available safely into remote locations. 

When it comes to “what stuff does it keep safe?”, Artifactory supports a wide range of package formats and integrates seamlessly with popular CI/CD tools, enabling developers and DevOps teams to streamline the process of managing and distributing binary artifacts across the software development lifecycle.

SJULTRA are an official JFrog Partner ➡️

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 JFrog Artifactory features 

The most important features of Artifactory as valued by Cloud Security and DevOps pros, are the ones that help them get Jobs To Be Done: 

Universal Repository Manager

“Can it manage all of my stuff?”

Artifactory supports a wide range of package formats, including Maven, Docker, NPM, Helm, NuGet, and more.

Efficient Dependency Management

“Software is messy! Can it tell me about vulnerabilitys in upstream packages?”

Artifactory allows developers to manage dependencies efficiently, resolve them quickly, and cache remote artifacts locally.

High Availability

“Is it easy to manage? I want an easier life, not more headaches.”

Artifactory provides a highly available, scalable, and secure architecture with multi-site replication, ensuring uninterrupted service and data integrity.

Integration with CI/CD tools

“Can I plug it into our current process — or, even better, improve our process?”

Artifactory integrates with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, TeamCity, and others, automating the release process.

Access Control and Security

“Please tell me it uses all the standard enterprise security functions?”

Artifactory offers role-based access control, LDAP/AD integration, and SAML SSO support, ensuring secure access to artifacts.

Metadata Management

“I get it can see inside packages, but what insights can it give about all of my packages?”

Artifactory allows the management of metadata associated with artifacts, providing valuable information for release management.

Storage Management

“It’s not going to force me to use Yet Another Storage Backend, is it?”

It supports various storage backends, including local file systems, cloud storage providers, and hybrid solutions.

JFrog Artifactory pros and cons 

What do Cloud Security and DevOps pros report as the the good and the not so good with Artifactory? 


  1. Supports a wide range of package formats, allowing teams to standardize on a single repository manager.
  2. Integrates with popular CI/CD tools, improving efficiency and automation in the software release process.
  3. Offers high availability, disaster recovery, and scalability to support large-scale development projects.
  4. Provides strong access control and security features, ensuring the safe storage and distribution of artifacts.
  5. Integration with JFrog Xray: JFrog Artifactory can be integrated with Xray, allowing for third-party scanning and improving security.
  6. Invisible tool: One of the most valuable features of JFrog Artifactory is that it operates seamlessly in the background, without disrupting other processes.
  7. Fast release and pipeline automation: The solution is designed to provide fast release and pipeline automation, enabling organizations to speed up their software development processes [1, 2].


  1. Can be complex to set up and configure, especially for those new to DevOps practices.
  2. The learning curve may be steep for users unfamiliar with binary repository management.
  3. Artifactory may be more expensive compared to some open-source alternatives.
  4. Performance issues with a large number of artifacts: Users have reported performance problems when dealing with a significant number of artifacts, which may hinder scalability

Find out more comparisons and peer reviews on G2.

Who uses JFrog Artifactory? 

Enough about the vendor and product, already! What about the real world where Artifactory is used? 

Which companies use JFrog Artifactory?

Over 12,000 companies are currently using JFrog Artifactory. JFrog Artifactory serves as a central hub for DevOps, offering a single solution for housing and managing all artifacts, binaries, packages, files, containers, and components for use throughout a company’s software supply chain

You can find various case studies on the JFrog website showcasing how different companies have successfully implemented Artifactory in their DevOps workflows.

Some examples include: 

Netflix logo

Netflix case study for Artifactory: “Astrid: Artifactory-Sourced Dependency Insight at Netflix”

Splunk logo

Splunk case study for Artifactory: “Data to everything: delivered via DevOps”

Google logo

Google case study for Artifactory: “Cloud-native container image build, test, deploy pipeline for Kubernetes with Artifactory”

Monster logo

Monster case study for Artifactory: “How JFrog Helped Speed Monster to Cloud Native Transformation”

JFrog Artifactory testimonial from Monster

Which job roles use JFrog Artifactory? 

The primary users of JFrog Artifactory are: 

  • Developers, by creating Maven repos in Artifactory.
  • DevOps Engineers use Artifactory in their pipelines with the Artifactory DevOps Extension.
  • Release Managers use Artifactory’s Release Lifecycle Management.
  • Software Architects define Artifactory as their central software hub for DevOps.
  • QA Engineers use the Universal Binary Repository Manager for standards.

JFrog Artifactory architecture

What can you do with JFrog Artifactory?

People use Artifactory for: 

  1. Managing and storing binary artifacts 
  2. Automating package and dependency management 
  3. Integrating with CI/CD tools to streamline software releases 
  4. Ensuring high availability and disaster recovery of artifacts
  5. Implementing access control and security policies for artifact repositories 

Does JFrog Artifactory map to security standards?

Artifactory helps with securing the software supply chain, so it is relevant — even if it doesn’t map directly to specific controls, which are often abstract and high-level — and can be a way to implement and enforce a security policy and standards.

For example, Artifactory can help with OWASP SAMM — read our introduction to OWASP SAMM.

Artifactory also helps achieve compliance with standards such as the Cloud Security Alliance and their Cloud Control Matrix.

The Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) is a security framework developed by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). It provides a standardized set of security controls to help organizations assess the overall security risk when adopting cloud computing services. The CCM covers various domains, including data security, infrastructure, identity and access management, and many more.

When deploying JFrog Artifactory in a cloud environment, you can implement the required security controls and configurations to adhere to CCM guidelines. For example, you can use encryption for data storage and transmission, implement access controls and authentication mechanisms, and monitor logs for security events. By integrating these controls into your Artifactory deployment, you can align your usage of the solution with the CCM’s best practices and recommendations.

JFrog Artifactory, as a binary repository manager, and like many other tools, does not have a 1:1 map to any Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) control. But when JFrog Artifactory is deployed on cloud infrastructure or as a SaaS solution, it can be integrated with the respective cloud provider’s security and compliance offerings to align with the CCM.

What do JFrog Artifactory practitioners say?

You can find practitioner reviews on G2, Reddit and customer testimonials on JFrog’s own website.

G2 reviews

On G2, JFrog Artifactory has been subsumed into the new, holistic Software Supply Chain Platform that also includes XRay and other components. But some of the reviews call out Artifactory:

A review of JFrog Artifactory on G2


The Artifactory posts are mostly under /r/devops. You can find the Artifactory posts here.

JFrog Artifactory: What the analysts say 

Analysts generally have a positive view of JFrog Artifactory. They appreciate the platform as a secure artifact registry management tool for storing and securing container images. One analyst from the Information Technology & Services industry gave JFrog Artifactory a score of 10 out of 10, highlighting its effectiveness as a software repository management solution for enterprises, available both on-premise and from the cloud. Additionally, analysts appreciate the integration of JFrog Artifactory with JFrog Xray, a binary scanning tool that helps identify vulnerabilities based on the binaries. JFrog Xray can be easily integrated with regular CI/CD pipelines, allowing organizations to identify potential risks before releasing their products in production [3]. Overall, analysts seem to have a favorable opinion of JFrog Artifactory, appreciating its features, security, and integration capabilities. Here are some snippets and links to the latest analyst insights for Artifactory:  GigaOm Logo In the GigaOm Radar for Enterprise CI/CD, JFrog Artifactory talked about Artifactory was joining XRay to create the JFrog platform, which is recognised trend that enterprise customers want more holistic tools rather than lots of piecemeal solutions they need to stitch together.
  • Strengths highlighted included the integrated JFrog platform which can offer DevSecOps out of the box.
  • Weaknesses included the costs for SaaS offering and that JFrog Pipelines is designed primarily for Kubernetes targets.


Gartner Logo JFrog has been mentioned in several Gartner reports, including the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Release Orchestration. Gartner has acknowledged JFrog’s strong capabilities in binary repository management, DevOps toolchain integration, and its comprehensive platform approach. 


IDC Logo IDC has recognized JFrog as an innovator in the DevOps market, particularly for its efforts in providing an end-to-end platform for binary management, continuous integration, and continuous delivery. 

Learn more about JFrog Artifactory

  1.  “JFrog Artifactory is a software repository management solution for enterprises available on-premises or from the cloud, providing fast release and pipeline automation”
  2. “JFrog Artifactory is a software repository management solution for enterprises available on-premise or from the cloud, providing fast release and pipeline automation.”
  3. “Pros & Cons JFrog Artifactory pros and cons 3.9 out of 5 7
  4. “Analyst. Secure artifact registry management tool for storing and securing containers images. 8 out of 10. …
  5. “JFrog Xray is binary scanning tool which basically scan and identify the vulnerability depend on the binaries.This tool is internally run behind the JFrog Artifactory. The tool can be easily integrated with regular CI/CD pipelines. This help in identify the potential risk of vulnerabilites before releasing the product in production.”
  6. “COMPANIES WE TRACK USING JFrog Artifactory 12,055  Companies Currently Using JFrog Artifactory
  7. “JFrog Artifactory is the single solution for housing and managing all the artifacts, binaries, packages, files, containers, and components for use throughout your software supply chain. JFrog Artifactory serves as your central hub for DevOps, integrating with your tools and processes to improve automation, increase integrity, and incorporate …”
  8. “JFrog SaaS solutions are available as Artifactory Cloud Pro, Cloud Pro X and Enterprise. For dedicated installations of Artifactory Enterprise on your choice of cloud provider, JFrog provides the following: Hosted JFrog Artifactory server with 24/7 SLA Support: JFrog’s SaaS solution provides all the features of Artifactory Pro, selected”