A “software bill of materials” (SBOMA “software bill of materials” (SBOM) has emerged as a k... More) has emerged as a key building block in software security and software supply chain risk management.
An SBOMA “software bill of materials” (SBOM) has emerged as a k... More is a nested inventory, a list of ingredients that make up software components.
While not a brand new concept, the ideas and implementation have advanced since 2018 through a number of collaborative community effort, including National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) multi-stakeholder process.
Why An SBOM Is An Essential List Of Ingredients And Not A Four-Letter Word
If you’re a developer, security pro, or IT leader – did you know that a staggering 85-90% of your software’s DNA is woven with open source and third-party strands, sourced from the vast unknown?
Managed JFROG Software Supply Chain Security
At SJULTRA, we Intelligently automated security and compliance solutions designed for complex DevOpsDevOps is a partnership between software development and IT... More workflows.
Software Development Lifecycle Security Assessment
Our team of experienced security experts and software developers have a deep understanding of the latest security threats and vulnerabilities. We stay up-to-date with the rapidly evolving threat landscape to ensure your software is protected.