CAASM Use Case #1 – Find and fix missing device agents use case for cybersecurity observability with SJULTRA and Axonius

CAASM Use Case #1 – Find and fix missing device agents use case for cybersecurity observability with SJULTRA and Axonius

Hey there, fellow cybersecurity practitioners! This post is part of a series on Cybersecurity Observability use cases. This is use case 1 of 14 about finding and fixing devices with no security agent on them. 

You know how it goes. The CSO owns the cybersecurity policies and has a “trust by verify” approach… so they sometimes wonder: 

How do I know if we're actually implementing this security policy... I trust my team, but how can I verify it across our entire IT estate?
(Chief Security Office)

This is where cybersecurity observability comes in handy. It’s how to make sure all those policies aren’t just collecting “digital dust” in an IT policy document that nobody reads. 

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Table of Contents

Calling agent 19... where are you, Agent 19?

Let’s say you’ve got a simple policy that madates: All Windows devices must have the Carbon Black agent installed. 

Sounds straightforward, right? But here’s the kicker – how do you make sure it’s happening for real? Can you account for all your agents in the field?

You're the Vulnerability and Patch Management Analyst who's trusted to enforce this policy. But you've got two major headaches: our CMDB isn't reliable, and our agents can tell us about devices they don't know about!

  1. Your CMDB is about as reliable as a chocolate teapot (UK) or chocolate fireguard (US) 😂. Thanks to your complex IT landscape, including those pesky ephemeral devices like cloud servers — not all devices are even registered in it (but how do you know?).
  2. Your Carbon Black agent manager is living in blissful ignorance. If it’s not installed on a server, that server might as well be invisible.

Now, I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a recipe for some serious security gaps to me… 😭

Enter SJULTRA's Cybersecurity Observability Service

This is where I get a bit excited, because I’ve been dealing with this challenge for over 20 years across many organizations, so it’s a relief to find a consistent and reliable solution to it.  

At SJULTRA, with our customers we use this cool tool called Axonius in our CAASM Services to gather intel from multiple data sources.

It’s like having a super-spy network for your IT environment. Axonius takes all this data from various collectors, adapters, systems, and devices, and turns it into actionable signals.

It’s like finding the security needle in the IT haystack! 

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Let's get querying

Once we’ve got Axonius set up (which, by the way, SJULTRA offers a free 30-day trial for), the fun begins. We can start building queries to find those elusive devices that are dodging our security measures.

Want to find all Windows devices without the Carbon Black agent? No problem! Here’s how we do it: 

  1. In plain English, in the security policy standard procedures, we’re asking: “Show me all Windows devices that don’t have a Carbon Black ID”
  2. In the Axonius query wizard it looks like this:
SJULTRA Axonius Cybersecurity Observability Query Find Missing Agent

3. In Axonius Query Languge (SQL): 

					( == "Windows") and not (( == ({"$exists":true,"$ne":""})))  

I know, I know, it looks like a cat walked across the keyboard. But trust me, this little line of code is cybersecurity gold. 


SJULTRA Axonius Cybersecurity Observability Result Find Missing Agent

Taking It Up a Notch

Feeling fancy? 😜  We can extend our query to get even more specific.

How about finding all Windows devices running Google Chrome without the Carbon Black agent? Here’s what that looks like: 

SJULTRA Axonius Cybersecurity Observability Query Find Missing Agent Chrome


					( == "Windows") and not (( == ({"$exists":true,"$ne":""}))) and ( == regex("chrome", "i"))  


SJULTRA Axonius Cybersecurity Observability Result Find Missing Agent Chrome

Ok, we found devices with no agents: now what?

Great, so now we’ve got this list of non-compliant devices. What do we do with it?  

This is where the “enforcement” part of our cybersecurity observability comes in. We’ve got four tricks up our sleeves: 

  1. Send out notifications (because who doesn’t love another email, right?)
  2. Create incident tickets in your favorite ITSM tool (Jira, ServiceNow, you name it)
  3. Tell another agent to isolate or un-isolate a device (for those “uh-oh” moments)
  4. Deploy and run files, or even initiate a device scan (if the stars align and the device is reachable)


And there you have it, folks! That’s how we turn the chaos of cybersecurity policy enforcement into a manageable, observable process. It’s not always pretty, but it gets the job done. 

Remember this is just 1 out of 14 standard use cases we help our customers with as part of our CAASM Concierge service. You can get that free! 

Remember, cybersecurity is a team sport. We’re all in this together, trying to keep our digital worlds safe one device at a time. Some write the policies, others codify them to make them work. So, keep querying, keep enforcing, and most importantly, keep that sense of humor. You’re gonna need it in this field! 

Stay safe out there, and may your false positives be few and your patches always successful! 

Axonius documentation and Videos

Read the Axonius documentation on Finding Devices Missing Endpoint Agents