14 cybersecurity problems you can solve in 30 days

14 cybersecurity problems you can solve in 30 days

20 years ago when virtualization was starting and I was a pro-services road warrior (I even won a brass sole once!), I asked this simple question to which I always got a complex answer: How many servers have you got?

Fast-forward 20 years and it’s more complicated. Now I ask people “How many of these 8 asset classes do you have?” because IT is about much more than servers, of course!

And across those 8 asset classes, how are you doing with this 14 use cases?

SJULTRA cybersecurity observability asset diagram
How I whiteboard the scope of CAASM with 8 asset classes

When I’m not the one asking awkward questions, it’s someone else like the CxO that’s started a new job and the first thing they ask is: 

“Steve, how do I find out what I have? The lay of the land?”

"It's not the stuff you know about that you need to worry about... it's the unknown unknowns that you need to worry about."

When a new CxO asks me this familiar, common question, I advise them to kick off a cybersecurity observability sprint and go through these 14 use cases. 

SJULTRA can do with you in less than 30 days with our Axonius CAASM free trial.

Table of Contents

These 14 things are what we at SJULTRA help our clients with via our CAASM services and with our partner Axonius.

1. Finding Devices with Missing Agents

Identify devices that should have security agents installed but don’t, addressing a critical blind spot in many security setups.

How SJULTRA uses Axonius to find devices with missing agents…

2. Detecting Devices with Broken Agents

Monitor agent health and pinpoint  devices where agents are installed but not functioning correctly, ensuring continuous protection.

How SJULTRA use Axonius to detect devices with broken agents…

3. Identify Unscanned Devices

Discover devices that should be part of vulnerability assessment scans but are being overlooked, reducing security gaps.

How SJULTRA uses Axonius to identify unscanned devices…

4. Monitoring Unscanned Cloud Instances

Keeps track of ephemeral instances that might escape traditional scanning processes.

How SJULTRA uses Axonius to monitor unscanned cloud instances…

5. Discovering Unmanaged Devices

Identify devices without proper management solutions, which are often only detectable through network scans.

How SJULTRA uses Axonius to discover unmanaged devices…

6. Detect Rogue Devices on Privileged Networks

Spot unauthorized devices on sensitive networks, mitigating potential security risks.

How SJULTRA uses Axonius to detect rogue devices on privileged networks…

7. Accelerating Incident Response

How can you separate signal from noise in a cluttered and noisy environment? Can you confidently say: “We don’t need to worry about that”?

How SJULTRA uses Axonius to accelerate incident response…

8. Track Ephemeral Devices

Have you got now/real-time visibility into short-lived devices that are part of normal operations but can pose unique security challenges?

How SJULTRA uses Axonius to track ephemeral devices…

9. Identify Unsanctioned Software

Can you detect potentially unwanted or unauthorized software that may concern IT, security, and risk teams?

How SJULTRA uses Axonius to identify unsanctioned software…

10. Accurate User Inventory

Consolidate user information across the enterprise, providing a single, comprehensive view of user accounts.

How SJULTRA uses Axonius to check accuracy of user inventory…

11. Managing Windows and Linux Servers

A credible and comprehensive inventory of all servers, both on-premises and in the cloud.

How SJULTRA uses Axonius to manage Windows and Linux servers…

12. Find Obsolete Devices

Identify legacy or sunsetted devices that haven’t been removed or can’t be upgraded, reducing security risks.

How SJULTRA uses Axonius to find obsolete devices…

13. Prioritize Vulnerabilities

Improve vulnerability management accuracy, but how?

How SJULTRA uses Axonius to prioritize vulnerabilities…

14. CMDB Reconciliation

The age old CMDB problem. Are you maintaining an up-to-date Configuration Management Database (CMDB), especially crucial in dynamic cloud environments.

How SJULTRA uses Axonius to maintain the CMDB…

You can't protect what you can't see, and you can't fix what you can't find.

Book your free CAASM trial now

Get visibility on all 14 cybersecurity observability use cases in less than 30 days with SJULTRA.

We find and fix IT/OT cybersecurity gaps at SJULTRA by using our Axonius tool with our skilled people and our standard procedures in 30 days to give you a “State of the Nation” report. 

This gives you a sobering view of what you have!

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